Department of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology

The stream of Pharmacology aims at screening various synthetic molecules including the phytoconstituents.Both invivo and invitro screening techniques are employed. The department works in co-ordination with Clinical Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology and Pharmaceutical Analysis divisions. It has registered animal house facility for experimentation on animals for, the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on animals (CPCSEA), Govt of India. Students are involved in research projects and the outcome of this has been the papers published in various national and international levels and presentations at various national meets.

The nature of research work at post graduate department includes: In-Vitro Experiments on isolated tissues, CNS : Analgesic, Antiarthritic, Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, Nootropic, Antiparkinsonian, Neuropathic Pain, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-convulsant, Skeletal muscle relaxants, CVS : Non-Invasive and Invasive Blood Pressure measurements including ECG in rats and recording SBP, DBP, HR, Antioxidant studies In-vivo - SOD, CAT, GSH, LPO and In-vitro- DPPH assay, Scavenging assays, Toxicological & Biochemical Estimations, Extraction of Phytoconstituents from plant sources .

The PG department houses instruments worth more than 10 lakhs and includes PowerLab (4sp) Bld Pr unit, Remi-Centrifuge, UGO Basile Plethysmometer, Students Physiograph etc. The department has conducted various state level and national level seminars and has received grants around10 lacs from BCUD and other sponsored projects of diverse nature.